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SOBOR's Story - This Is Not Personal

Posted: February 13, 2021 by Stephen Oliver

Next week Niagara moves to the Gray Zone. It is a light at the end of the lockdown tunnel I suppose. Is it ideal? No. Is it going to be challenging? Yes. Does it mean there is a light at the end of the tunnel? Maybe. Does it mean that the decisions politicians, doctors and scientists make are going to be perfect? Absolutely not.

I stay away from political posts on my social media and I try to remain out of them in my blog so this is definitely not going to be political. This is about the fact that every single person making decisions right now is doing so without the safety net of historical evidence. They are doing what they think is best at the time. There is no perspective to rely on.

What I do not understand is the personal attack agains those making the decisions. Arm chair quarterbacking if you will. It is easy to criticize from the sidelines. It is easy to get passionate about what you believe. It is however not right to personally and publicly attack people because you do not agree with them.

Not agreeing with someone's opinion is ok. Personally attacking them for their professional decisions is not.

In this country we have all political walks of life, hundreds of religions, multiculturalism for everyone to see. At the end of the list of what we are is Canadian. We are human and we are all feeling the strain of where we are at. Nothing and I mean nothing good comes from attacking one another. There comes a time where we are individuals and have to act individually, this is not one of those times.  

Remember, when you attack people for what they are doing, there could be others that see it, like their kids.  Imagine waking up as a child and seeing your parents attacked for doing their jobs.  How would that make you feel?  

My kids look up to me.  They are my everything, if you are a constant reader of my blog or follow me on social media you know that.  I can’t imagine waking up one morning and seeing myself smeared for doing my job.  Worse, I can’t imagine having to explain to them why someone would do it to me.  

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